Love released this book as a gift to the world…
so simple is a collection of responses… a guide aimed to point to the truth that resides within...
Like all other guides (books) that have come before, it encourages a journey into the unknown, our home… The mind may question and wonder… stay curious and trust that Presence is all that's required… :)
so simple is free to download in multiple formats:
To Dive Deeper after reading the book click here :)
If you would love to purchase the paper-version it is available here: Book.SoSimple.Love
We have given away 100 physical copies so far... In order to continue to do so, we get to pay for printing materials ($2.30 per book) + shipping.
If you feel inspired to “give-it-forward” so that we may purchase more physical copies of "so simple" please journey over to our Book Fund.
Together, with your support, we would love to be able to give away at least 1 million copies.