“terms” and language can get tricky, even “confusing”. we know that the mind thrives on “understanding”… however, this is not a space for “training” or “programing”. let this page serve as a continued springboard for our journey into the unknown. one that aims to continue to point one back to all that is within…
love - a term used in many ways. the way in which we choose to use it arises from the state beyond words. no strings, no conditions. we use this pointer freely to express something that cannot be expressed yet, we love love, so we choose love.
surrender - this is a transcendent response that arises as love in action. we inwardly see the yes to love and externally move in the direction that points towards it for all to see.
known - a “knowing” beyond the mind. no concepts. one might call it an “intuition”… don’t over “think” it. :)
remembering - the conditioning/programing has distracted to the point of “forgetting” so in essence the process is like unsubscribing, unlearning. as we are present, the “remembering” will take place automagically.
teach/teaching - the reason “teaching” doesn’t arise in so simple is because there is a quality or “understanding” around teaching that implies that there is something that we don’t already “know” or have within. beyond the “conceptual” “knowledge” of things created there is nothing to teach.
present - a natural “byproduct” of being. it is an intentional/conscious aspect of who we are.
i am - I Am
awaken - the process of “waking up” from a sort of “sleep”. this being what we’ll call a “spiritual” sleep. not a physical sleep.
observe (observe the mind) - as present beings we watch the experience and story without completely becoming identified with it. there is a gap or space between what is happening and what is real. (for example. as the space, we are aware of the external world as it arises and yet we do not become it. another way it has been put… “we are in the world however we are not of it”)— we are so much more. :)
truth - this is an essence that cannot be named. it is beyond creation, for if it is named then it becomes a thing. truth is no-thing.
first nature - the most common phrase known similar to this would be, “second nature” — first nature arises from the unconditioned state. it is our inherent disposition and will be the conscious way in which we choose to respond.
never ending moment - the now. it’s all there is. :)
within / without - this is simply a pointer at the experience happening inwardly and externally. the internal informs the external.
constant reminder / opportunity - something that arises in life to bring one back to the stillness within. “sometimes” and often these are called “challenges” or “obstacles” or… the “favorite term” used in the unobserved state is “problem”. in a conscious way of going about life, we choose to see everything that happens, as perfect, because if it were meant to be another way, it would be.
transcend the form - transcend simply referring to the moving above identification with the mind. this phrase simply pointing to the reality that we have what we will call a body, however we are not the body.
awareness of awareness - awarenesses is a transcendent quality of being present. awareness of awareness is when we are in the experience and do not become absorbed by it.
by simply being - this phrase arose to state how we get to go about this experience. it points to a stillness both within and without that will outshine the “normal” of chaos in/of constantly doing.
being still - a stillness both within and without. one that arises when the mind activity subsides and one that is physically seen/felt externally.
listening - more than simply hearing. a spacious presence that invites the shift on a “collective level.”
observer - the one that sees and simply watches…
illusion of separation - language as we know, is finite. when speaking of separation we are speaking to the undercurrent, the “force” or essence that allows for all to be/arise. there are a multitude, a multiplicity of forms all may appear physically “separate” yet intrinsically and inextricably are one.
other - a lovely “concept” or constant reminder that arose from the conditioned mind that furthers the illusion of separation.
we are the universe - not to be mistaken with what the mind might also call the “thing” that contains the “galaxy” where “planet earth” resides. this universe is the very thing that allows for all of “that” to exist.
oneness - our first nature. who we are in the unmanifested, unconditioned state.
free from thought - consciously we choose thought. we get to use it and “sometimes” thoughts will arise “on their own”. when talking about being free from thought, it is simply pointing to the quality of the experience when we no longer are identified with the thoughts.
unknown - our home. the space and place from which all arises. we also point to this with love. much like “truth” it is the indescribable is and is beyond comprehension.
insanity - the norm. normal, mind-identified, and conditioned state that we will also call the “unconscious state .”
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